2012年4月30日 星期一

宅宅新聞 by 卡卡洛普: Sony尚未發表的最新款無反相機《NEX-F3》照片規格搶先曝光!

宅宅新聞 by 卡卡洛普
新奇/潮流/正妹/奇事 通通在這裡~
May 1st 2012, 05:30


相信Sony相機迷們都記得~前一陣子不是有小道消息傳出,Sony將發表自家NEX系列最新一款無反光數位相機《 Sony NEX-F3》嗎,但始終都一直沒看到它機影現身,總算啊~在等待一段時間後~國外最新終於有網站聲稱,已經取得它從未曝光過的流出照片和規格歐,剛好應熊也趁機拿出來讓大家搶先目賭一下它的真機面貌囉~


外傳這款《 NEX-F3》未來將作為Sony旗下NEX-C3 的後繼機來登場亮相,不過光看它的外觀設計到是和c3明顯有些不同,除了機身線條變得更有菱有角外,手握把部位也同樣增厚不少,當然最大賣點還是在於F3的LCD螢幕,首次加入了能向上翻轉的180度可旋轉設計,相信這如果拿來自拍的話~肯定會非常方便適合厚~^^


另外稍為再在跟大家聊聊《 NEX-F3》的規格好了,據目前最新掌握的消息傳出~它將會採用最新的BIONZ處理器,並擁有1610萬像素,同時也具有最快3fps的連拍能力和最高16000的ISO感光度,並且也新內建有一個閃光燈,此外F3也搭配有一個全新3吋可翻轉180度的LCD螢幕~不過沒支援觸控就是,而且同樣也能拿來拍攝出1080p HD 高畫質影片呢~




而目前Sony這款最新無反相機《NEX-F3》,據了解會選在5月中的時候,就會來跟大家正式見面啦,到時一共還會推出黑色、白色和銀色三種顏色的機種~至於大家最關心的售價嘛~光《NEX-F3》機身再搭配上一顆18-55mm 鏡頭 ,外傳售價為$US599元,台幣則要17,500元左右,如果對這台有興趣的Sony相機迷們,未來也可以持續給它關注一下囉~^^~



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宅宅新聞 by 卡卡洛普: 《貓警察》伊右衛門出現!壞人快快退散~~喵~

宅宅新聞 by 卡卡洛普
新奇/潮流/正妹/奇事 通通在這裡~
May 1st 2012, 04:30




▼ 這就是京都府宮津警察署養老駐在所

圖片來自:youtube 截圖

▼ 《貓警察》伊右衛門穿著制服的樣子!

圖片來自:youtube 截圖

圖片來自:youtube 截圖

▼ 喵嗚~壞人走開!

圖片來自:youtube 截圖

圖片來自:youtube 截圖


▼ 《貓警察》的制服背面

圖片來自:youtube 截圖

圖片來自:youtube 截圖

圖片來自:youtube 截圖

▼ 超可愛的啦(✪ω✪)

圖片來自:youtube 截圖

▼ 這位就是巡查部長山田達見(阿…抱歉抱歉~擋到你的臉了><)

圖片來自:youtube 截圖

▼ 給你個正面吼~~

圖片來自:youtube 截圖

圖片來自:youtube 截圖


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宅宅新聞 by 卡卡洛普: 《NICOLA KUPERUS》走錯一步的時尚攝影!?

宅宅新聞 by 卡卡洛普
新奇/潮流/正妹/奇事 通通在這裡~
《NICOLA KUPERUS》走錯一步的時尚攝影!?
May 1st 2012, 03:00




這一系列給人感覺「走錯一步」的作品,來自美國一位攝影師Nicola Kuperus。如同作品透出的時尚氣息,她本身就是一位時尚攝影師,只是為作品多加了一份幽默~也難怪即使是這樣有點惡搞的作品卻依然能讓人感覺時尚了!




















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John Chow dot Com: Why No One Should Rank #1 On Google

John Chow dot Com
The Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Dot Com Mogul
Why No One Should Rank #1 On Google
May 1st 2012, 02:44


Matt Cutts of Google says he wants to ‘level the playing field’. Well here’s a way they could do that with no one getting hurt.

Google is constantly amending their search algorithms in a bid to make the results more and more relevant – in theory anyway. In fact, these changes have been so frequent and powerful lately, that Cutts has recommended that you don’t try to follow the changes at all, but instead just follow their ‘direction’ by trying to produce quality content.

This sounds all good and well – of course Google should be trying to pair visitors up with quality content and they should be trying to give visitors the most relevant and interesting articles to read when they search for something. But there is a subtext here if you want to be cynical – and Google think they know what it is precisely that constitutes a quality website. By ensuring that you see only ‘quality’ results, Google basically is saying it knows what’s good for you and that it knows what you want. And that does start to sound a little bit like playing God.

The Direction of Google

The direction of Google has been to favor original content over spam and ‘over optimization’. However, this has also punished some websites that have been entirely conscientious and well meaning in their attempts to get to the top of the SERPs.

At the same time this has resulted in some rather dubious results making it to the top spot. While the new algorithms might be slightly better, the simple fact that so many websites have been de-indexed or ranked down has lead to some unusual ones making it to the top.

Each time this happens, it affects the livelihoods of real people. Every single one of those websites on the SERPs is someone’s baby, and someone has worked tirelessly to get it to the top only to see it slashed down with very little warning. Google has deemed their site as ‘unfit’ for whatever reason, and their techniques as spammy (even if they left their SEO in the hands of a third party service) and as a result they might have very well lost their largest source of traffic and therefore revenue. Surely there’s a better way?

An Alternative System

Well as it would happen, there just might be, and one interesting alternative could be to introduce an element of ‘random’ into the proceedings. We’ve all see websites that let you navigate their content at random, and we’ve all seen sites that let you land on random pages throughout the web. How about a search engine that was so flexible it would show slightly different results each time you typed in the same query?

Let’s imagine you searched for ‘Toronto Plumber’ – you’d have hundreds, if not thousands, of options coming up that all would provide essentially the same service for visitors. Now one might decide to spend a lot of money on SEO and build lots of inbound links, and in the past the one that worked the hardest and spent the most might make it to number one. However, there is no really ‘reliable’ way for them to do this now. Where do they turn? They could spend thousands building links only for Google to decide that their methods are no longer valid and then find themselves penalized or completely de-indexed. And why should a company like Google decide what plumber you use?

An alternative then would be to take these top fifty results, or even these top three hundred, and then show them in a random order each time? It would be just as fair and it would provide visitors with some variation in the sites they saw. They could do the same search again and find different things they were interested in, and Google would be taking a back step from interfering with, let’s face it, all businesses and allowing a more natural selection to take place once again.

So why aren’t they doing this? Well, one answer could be that it would take away their supreme authority over the web. Another could be that it would take away from their AdWords service – because after all, if SEO worked too well, and if there were one reliable system for getting to the top – then people wouldn’t need to shell out on advertising.

This post was guest blogged by Jitendra Agrawal of Get Links Pro.

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