2012年5月19日 星期六

John Chow dot Com: Dot Com Pho – Pho for Free and Taste of Venom Edition

John Chow dot Com
The Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Dot Com Mogul
Dot Com Pho – Pho for Free and Taste of Venom Edition
May 20th 2012, 00:24

How to make $593 in less than one hour

I’ve been doing Dot Com Pho at the same location ever since I landed in Orange County. You think with the amount of business I brought, Pho Ba Pho would start to comp my meals. Well, they haven’t! So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and told me to give me Pho for free! Watch the video to find out if they did or not.

In addition to trying to get free pho, this episode started out at Irvine Cars and Coffee to check out the world’s fastest open top sport cars. No, it’s not the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport convertible. It’s the Hennessey Venom GT Spyder. Currently, there’s only one in the world and Cars and Coffee was the only place you could see it live. Other highlights include the Bowtie man stealing my mayorship, Sally Chow with a yuppie bear, Chriss Voss getting a sex change, me getting my California driver’s license, and a whole lot more.

We had 17 people taking up four tables at this week’s Dot Com Pho. Anyone is welcome to join us. Follow me on Twitter to find the time and location of the next one.

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